NE1's Business Crime Reduction Partnership brings together NE1, the business community, the City Council and Northumbria Police to identify and tackle issues of retail crime and anti-social behaviour in Newcastle to make the city centre a safer place for businesses, workers and visitors.
Key Facts
Formed in response to business feedback
2,000+ incidents reported
300+ business members
10 additional Police Officers on the street
NE1’s City Environment survey conducted in 2021 found that almost 90% of low-level crimes were not being reported by businesses, primarily as they found the process occupied so much of their resources, as well as lacking faith in any tangible action resulting.
In response to this feedback, NE1’s Business Crime Reduction Partnership was established in spring 2022 to provide a streamlined and efficient way for businesses to report crime and disorder, which in turn allows NE1 to work with partner agencies including the City Council, local police and the National Crime Business Solution to effectively build an accurate picture of the scale of the problem, identify trends and patterns, and lobby for and deploy resources where they are needed most.
Since its launch, the Partnership has grown to include over 250 member businesses within the city centre that benefit from access to a dedicated crime reporting system, alerts on issues and offenders and monthly intelligence meetings.
Over 2,000 incidents have been reported by members to date, enabling NE1 to lobby for extra support and resulting in an additional 10 police officers on the street and the creation of a CCTV Operative role dedicated to further ensuring the best use of resources across the city.
To find out more about NE1’s Business Crime Reduction Partnership or to join, contact NE1’s Business Crime Officer Terry Brooks on 07518 738 230 or email terry.brooks@newcastlene1ltd.com.

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