NE1's career insight programme connects cross-sector businesses, education and youth providers to raise aspiration and ambition in young people in Newcastle and the wider North East region.
Key Achievements
40 NE1 CAN events delivered in 2024
47 businesses hosted NE1 CAN events in 2024
988 young people attended an NE1 CAN event in 2024
Delivering a unique and diverse programme of 40 events each year, NE1 CAN is tailored to create meaningful engagement between businesses from across the region and the workforce of tomorrow while giving young people real-life career advice, insight and inspiration.
The NE1 CAN programme works to deliver three key objectives:
1. Helping young people understand what careers are available
2. Helping young people understand what careers are available here in the North East
3. Helping young people understand how to get there
NE1 CAN events enable employers to have constructive conversations with employees of the future providing the opportunity to break down barriers, discuss employability skills and to take learning out of the classroom into the real world of work.
Download the current NE1 CAN programme here.

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