NE1 exists to serve the city's businesses and create the best possible commercial environment for them to trade in. We are delighted to confirm that we will continue to do this over a fourth five-year term, which will run from 2024 - 29.
Every five years NE1 ballots its 1,400 members, the businesses of Newcastle, and this ballot ran through September and October of 2023.
The businesses of the city were offered the opportunity to collectively decide whether to continue supporting NE1 and deliver a mandate for another five-year term. This they did, returning a 93% 'Yes' vote, a record high for NE1.
This decision secures the continuation of the projects and work NE1 has so far delivered including our Street Rangers, Rapid Response Clean Team, annual events calendar, pop-up parks and artistic installations, and our lobbying of local, regional, and national government on behalf of businesses of the city.
It will also ensure the delivery over a fourth term of ambitious new projects set out in our Business Plan, including significant investment in the retail core and Quayside, as well as place-based interventions in the myriad of unique districts of the city centre.
For more information on our Business Plan for the five-year term running 2024 - 29 you can download a copy of the document below. This Business plan outlines our key priorities and areas of focus over the next term and has been heavily influenced by extensive consultation with NE1 businesses throughout this year.
If you have any questions concerning Newcastle NE1, or the result of the ballot, please email, or call us on 0191 211 3951.
Our extensive consultation with our BID members, both locally and nationally throughout 2023, and our consumer and business research, has resulted in a set of key themes for our next BID term, 2024 - 2029. They are:
Stronger voice for business
Lobbying on behalf of businesses on strategic and operational issues that make a big difference for them in the short, medium, and long term
A city open for business
Improving national and regional access and links to the city, as well as parking and public transport provision
Getting the basics right
Ensuring that the experience of staff, customers and clients is as good as it can possibly be, and that the city feels safe and looks clean
Curating the experience
Providing operational assistance and support for businesses whilst celebrating the different and unique areas of the city
Delivering, facilitating, or partnering with events which drive footfall and spend, and raise perceptions of the city
Delivering heavyweight marketing campaigns as well as comprehensive digital and social media marketing support for the city's businesses
Playing to our place-based strengths
Celebrating the myriad of districts that add depth to the experience of living in, working in, and visiting the city
NE1 work all year round across the city to add value for our businesses
Whilst they may seem disparate, all of our projects are designed to improve conditions for business in the city centre. From ensuring the city looks its best every day, to hosting events of national and international significance, or lobbying the higher levels of government, everything NE1 does is focused on ensuring Newcastle takes its rightful place as one of the finest cities in which to live, work, and visit.
For more detailed information on all of our projects click the button below.

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